Saturday, 30 November 2013

Half Term Activities : Despicable Me 2

Anyone who knows me will know i love a bargain. Sometimes i think i should keep my bargain hunting to myself but i cant help it, i just have to share. 

Our first ever half term has been jam packed. We went to the cineworld at Parrs Wood early one morning for the 10am showing of Despicable Me 2. I knew it would be charged at off peak but still pleasantly surprised to only pay £1.50 each.
I treated myself a.k.a blew the budget on a pick n mix to balance it out. I think I paid something ridiculous like £5 for about 7 sweets.

I didn't love the film as much as the first despicable me film but as soon as it started I was chuckling away. Still cant get over how Steve Carell is Gru and Russell Brand is Dr Nefario.

I give it 6/10, it was good fun but couldn't watch again.

Considering a normal child's ticket is currently £5.90, I would highly recommend getting out early with the kids.                                                                                                                                                                                    

Half Term Activities - Reading Practice Made Fun

Mini started in Reception this September, it's been a huge adjustment for us from her nursery routine. 

Ever since she was a baby she has loved flicking through books. She's also been at a private nursery & already knew her alphabet before she started. So I wasn't expecting her to have any problems. I've always had a laid back attitude towards this for 2 reasons:
1) I have the belief that all children will catch up to each other in their own time.
2) If I am being honest, I didn't think she would be academically behind the majority of children in her class.

However, I feel like I'm picking up on a vibe from her teachers that she is a little behind the other children. I'm trying not to compare her to the other children but...
The feedback from her teachers has been to practice, practice, practice but she's bored of reading the same book each night & has it memorised after 2 or 3 days. I've been taking the words from the school reading book and spelling them out of lettered building blocks but I feel it's not helped much. 
One problem Mini has is that she spells the letters out correctly but then guesses a completely random word. For example she says C-A-T = Dog! 

I want her to have fun & enjoy it, it shouldn't be a chore. My mum suggested going old school 'the cat sat on the mat', using sentences rather than just random words so that mini has an idea of what could come next, rather than random words. We tried this out today, I wrote an short sentence, asked her to read it & then draw a picture of it. Mini still needed some prompting but our new 'game' kept her interested so we will definitely try this again.