Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Halloween - Pumpkin Carving

I've never been one for getting into all of these commercialised events.... Until I had children. Over the past few years, supermarkets in the UK have successfully been pushing Halloween on us. I've resisted the temptation to go crazy on Halloween but i did come home with a rather large pumpkin last year.

This year I got two very small pumpkins, thinking it would be easier to manage. First I got mini to draw her design on the pumpkin. 

Then I cut it open to scoop the insides out. Mini didn't like the smell and lost all interest at this point. You have to scrape quite alot of pumpkin out to make it easier to carve.
One clever idea I pinched from Pintrest was to cut a keyhole shape in the back of the pumpkin. This saves you burning your hand on the candle. 

I ended up carving the pumpkin all on my own. NOT the family activity I was looking for. 

Think I'll give pumpkin carving a miss for a few more years until the kids show an interest in doing it again. Mini was suitably impressed with the finished product, although i'm not sure what i'm doing with the other pumpkin.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

New Blog, Same Old Me.

Just a quick post to start the new blog.

Not much changes with me, I looked at my old blogger profile & not much has changed except that I now have 2 children...make that 4 if you include the husband and the cat.

Why do my friends think I'm Google?
I'm not sure why but I seem to get a lot of text messages from friends asking questions that could easily be answered by a quick Google search. If any of my friends are reading this *waves* Hi, Welcome to the blog :)